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Tare Your Scale

What Does Tare Do?

Taring or Zeroing is a useful feature when trying to find the weight of an item(s) placed in a tray or container. By reducing the displayed weight by the weight of the empty tray/container, you can then weigh the item(s) on the tray/container and receive accurate measurement of just the item(s) you wish to weigh.

How To Use The Tare Feature

After powering-on your scale and allowing the components to warm up, place an empty tray or container on the on the center of the scale’s weighing platform and press the tare or zero button. See your scale’s manual for specific instruction on finding the tare button, but it is commonly marked TARE, ZERO or Z.

This is referred to as taring or zeroing your scale, and the empty tray/container is referred to as a tared tray/container. When the display reads “0”, gently place the item(s) to be weighed in the tared tray/container. Your scale will display the weight of just the item(s) on the tray/container, and not the cumulative weight of the item(s) and the tray/container.

Tip: Do not attempt to tare an item by placing it on the scale and then powering-on the scale. This may cause the microcontroller’s calibration settings to provide distorted readings, and could lead to inaccurate results.

Additional Information

After completing the tare/zero process, removing the tared tray or container from the weighing platform will cause the display to show a negative value. This is number is referred to as a tared value, and is equal to the weight of the tray or container subtracted from zero. So if the tray/container weighs 100 grams, your scale will display “-100g” after removing the tray/container from the tared weighing platform.

To return the scale back to the resting zero point, remove all items from the weighing platform and press the tare button again. Your scale will display “0” and is ready to resume normal weighing procedures.